Book review: Agile Project Management and Scrum v2

front-cover-webIn two of my previous posts I wrote about DSDM and UX Design and Agile Project Management and Scrum v2. This is another little book in the same style. And this booklet too can be read as an addendum to DSDM’s Agile Project Management Framework.

Andrew Craddock is the author of the book ‘Agile Project Management and Scrum v2‘.

The booklet starts with a comprehensive overview of Scrum based on the Scrum guide 2013 and an explanation of the Agile manifesto.

Next we get an overview the combined AgilePM / Scrum process framework. The project delivery context is based on AgilePM and the evolutionary development context is pure Scrum.

In this combined framework we see the following changes / additions in comparison with the original AgilePM framework:


AgilePM AgilePM/Scrum
Process Evolutionary Development Scrum Development
Product Prioritized Requirements List Product Product Backlog


Timebox Plan and Timebox Review Record Sprint Goal, Sprint Backlog and Sprint Review Record
Roles adding the PO, SM roles

An enhanced Scrum two-week Sprint contains some minor embellishments to the standard Sprint:

  • In comparison with a standard Sprint we now see a split in two parts: Refinement (7 days) and Consolidation (2 days).
  • Within the Consolidation part we see a Consolidation Scrum to confirm progress to date and to explain what will be ‘Done’ by the end of the Sprint.

A new event, the Project Planning Event, is added. This event takes place at the boundary of timeboxes and can be used, by project stakeholders, to influence the the work of the Scrum Team without compromising the way Scrum is used.


All roles are explained within this combined framework with special attention for the Product Owner role including relationships and interactions with the Technical Coordinator, PM, Business Visionary, Technical and Business Advisors and the Development Team.

Final paragraphs explain the usage of multiple Scrum Teams, Regulatory, and financial governance, the usage of Barry Boehm’s Cone of Uncertainty and some optional techniques (MoSCoW prioritisation, Facilitated Workshops and Modelling).

Conclusion: For those who are using AgilePM in combination with Scrum this is a must read. It gives a nice overview of the changes and a good explanation of the PO role including all relationships and interactions.

To order: Agile Project Management and Scrum v2

This is the last post in a series of three. DSDM and UX design was the first and Agile risk management and DSDM the second.

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